Training & Development
Training & Development
Empowering people through training. Enhancing resiliency.
Certified Corporate Risk Intelligence Analyst
A comprehensive course preparing Indian students for a career in Corporate Risk Intelligence.
A first of its kind in India, GRID91’s RISK INTELLIGENCE ACADEMY introduces CRIA(Certified Corporate Risk Intelligence Analyst), the most comprehensive course aimed at equipping students with the skill sets required to enhance their career prospects as a Corporate Risk Intelligence Analyst.
In this course, students will learn the methodologies, tools, techniques and tricks of the trade used by successful Risk Intelligence professionals.
The course is spread over 4 weeks and 80 hours.
Students will experience 85% hands-on learning and 15% theory.
Contemporary case studies would help you understand how external risk events affect corporations. And, the approach adopted by corporations to mitigate those risks.
What Do Students Learn?
- What’s Corporate Risk Intelligence
- Role of a Risk Intelligence Analyst
- Business Requirement Specific RISK INTELLIGENCE PLANNING
- Understanding and WORKING WITH ESSENTIAL TOOLS of the Trade
- Understanding and Implementing TACTICAL and STRATEGIC WRITING
- How to Enhance Career Prospects
- How to Become a Successful Corporate RiskIntelligence Analyst
The Boot Camp
Organisations are constantly working towards ensuring that business resilience is continuously improving. Major emergencies or crises such as fires, floods, earthquakes, pandemic, violent protests, vandalism, etc call for additional manpower who support the organisation’s response.
Most organisations implement the concept of Force Multiplication which essentially aims at empowering enough people with the required knowledge and skills to support the response teams.
It is therefore common to see within organisations, regular employees (whose full-time job is not incident or crisis management) who volunteer as Floor Safety Wardens or Quick Responders or Emergency Responders et al. They would serve as a force multiplier to the response teams during a crisis or during potential emergencies.
In order to ensure that these volunteering responders are effective during a crisis or an emergency, they are usually provided with training in Basic Fire Fighting, Emergency Evacuation and Basic First Aid.
Although effective, on its own, these conventional training’s would not fully serve the objective of having trained responders possessing the capabilities of responding effectively during an emergency or a crisis.
GRID91 delivers bespoke Boot Camp programs catering to each organisation’s requirements. The Boot Camp style of training is a method synonymous with the armed forces. Held mostly in combination of an outdoor and indoor setting, the Bootcamp runs the responders through a program which requires them to deal with multiple scenarios in which their leadership, tactical thinking, planning, teamwork and courage is tested whilst working together in a team.
The idea is to teach responders skills essential for responding during an emergency through the Boot Camp training method.
First Responder Training
Emergencies are fraught with uncertainties; requiring courage, confidence and quick decision making. Conventional training models do not allow the opportunity to expose the First Responders to difficult scenarios.
Without experiencing the pressure of an emergency, First Responders would not know what to truly expect during actual emergencies. Without proper training, it would be a mistake to expect a highly effective response during an emergency.
When First Responders are trained and tested through unconventional and hands-on training methods, they are compelled to act and think per the situation. Mind and muscle memory, a critical factor for responding effectively during an emergency, is greatly enhanced.
Effective First Responder training needs to be an ideal combination of theory + hands-on + scenario based testing. Such training would ensure that the knowledge delivered is retained and applied when the situation arrives.
The Basic First Responder Training comprises 2 sub modules:
- Module 1
- Fire Fighting + First Responder Fitness
- First Aid + First Responder Fitness
- Module 2
- Scenario Based Tests
Women’s Personal Safety Training
India has witnessed a rise in cases of gender violence. Rape, molestation, kidnapping and murder are the most common forms of crime against women in India. Most times, the culprits get away and in many cases such acts also go unreported due to societal and cultural issues.
One of the surveys found that more than 95% of the time, the offender is known to the victim. Factors like growing women workforce in corporations, law enforcement not being available 24X7 at all places and constraints with technology have further complicated response mechanisms.
Often, a potential employee’s motivation to work with an organization is associated with how safe and secure they feel. While organisations take measures to address employee safety risks, there is a limitation to how much can be done. At some point, an employee needs to have the ability to take reasonable responsibility and care for their own safety.
Women’s Safety Training has become a necessity more than ever. GRID91’s Women’s Safety Training is designed to create situational awareness, build basic reaction capabilities and empower women with confidence to foresee, mitigate and if required, respond to threats to their personal safety.
About the Women’s Safety Training Module
- Consists of 2 sessions - Awareness Building and Practical Self-defence Techniques
- Awareness Building Session
- Understanding threats
- Understanding attacker mindset
- Understanding tools to defend yourself
- Prevention - Measures to build awareness & develop proactive thinking
- Case studies & role plays
- Practical Self-defence Techniques
- Understanding weak points on the human body
- How to target weak points
- Practical and easy self-defence techniques which can be used in situations when your personal safety is threatened
- Hands-on training