
Covid 19 Protest Tracker 5 January 2022



The GRID91 GLOBAL COVID-19 Protest Tracker provides an overview of protests related to COVID-19 induced restrictions and national vaccination policies for the week of December 29, 2021 to January 5, 2021.


The week witnessed 10 protests in total. Of these, 2 were against COVID-19 restrictions, 3 were against both COVID-19 restrictions and governmental vaccination policies, while 5 were against vaccination policies.


Germany, with 5 protests, witnessed the highest number of protests against COVID-19 restrictions and vaccination policies during the week.


9 of the cumulative 10 protests were led by civil society groups. However, political backing to protests was also recorded in France on January 3.



Disclaimer: The number of protests shown on this map does not necessarily capture all protests which may have transpired on aforementioned issue during the dates mentioned

Sources - varied media




Locals, numbering in the high hundreds, marched on the streets of Nuremberg as part of a rally on December 30. They were rallying against COVID-19 restrictions and planned vaccine mandates. The participants held up placards while chanting slogans.


Locals, numbering in the mid thousands, marched on the streets of Dusseldorf for a demonstration on January 1. They were rallying against COVID-19 restrictions and planned vaccine mandates. The participants held up flags and banners as they walked through the centre of the city.


Hundreds of locals rallied on the streets of Schweinfurt, Bavaria as part of a protest on January 2. They were expressing their opposition to COVID-19 restrictions. Police ar- rested several participants for violating a ban on gatherings.



Locals, numbering in the low thousands, clashed with the police during a protest in Am- sterdam on January 2. They were demonstrating against lockdown restrictions. Mask- less participants marched on the streets before gathering at a park. They held up ban- ners and placards while chanting slogans. Police personnels conducted a baton charge to disperse protesters.



Locals, numbering in the mid hundreds, rallied on the streets of Barcelona as part of a demonstration on December 30. They were protesting against COVID-19 restrictions and vaccines. The protestors first gathered at the Arc de Triomf before moving on to- wards the local government’s headquarters.

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  1. Pablo Villalpando
    5 months ago
    Pending Aprroval...
  2. Pablo Villalpando
    5 months ago
    Pending Aprroval...

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Covid 19 Protest Tracker 5 January 2022

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